1. SSH Brute Force Protection

    最近有朋友反馈 SSH 登录服务器后经常看到一些登录失败的提示,例如:

    2020/01/27 Linux

  2. Resize VirtualBox LVM

    When you launch a virtual machine with VirtualBox, the disk space may be far more enough at that time, let’s say 20 GB. But after a long time, too many softwares are installed, it may become short. So you have to resize the disk space, if you do not want to deploy a new one and start it over. This article discuss how to do it for a guest linux operating system with LVM storage.

    2020/01/26 Linux

  3. SNI (Server Name Indication)

    服务器名称指示(英语:Server Name Indication,缩写:SNI)是TLS的一个扩展协议,在该协议下,在握手过程开始时客户端告诉它正在连接的服务器要连接的主机名称。这允许服务器在相同的 IP 地址和 TCP 端口号上呈现多个证书,并且因此允许在相同的 IP 地址上提供多个安全(HTTPS)网站(或其他任何基于 TLS 的服务),而不需要所有这些站点使用相同的证书。它与 HTTP/1.1 基于名称的虚拟主机的概念相同,但是用于 HTTPS。1

    2020/01/24 HTTPS

  4. shadowsocks

    Shadowsocks is a free and open-source encryption protocol project, widely used to circumvent Internet censorship. Shadowsocks is not a proxy on its own, but typically, the client software will connect to a third party socks5 proxy, speaking the shadowsocks language on the machine it is running on, which internet traffic can then be directed towards, similarly to an SSH tunnel. Unlike an SSH tunnel, shadowsocks can also proxy UDP traffic. 1

    2019/12/21 Linux

  5. CSV

    手头积累了一些数据,想生成对比分析报表,图片比较直观但是塞不进太多细节,因此还是决定采用简单的csv(Comma-Separated Values)格式,方便其他人用excel等软件操作。

    2019/06/15 other

  6. Java Cert Issues

    当使用自签名证书时,Java 连接服务器时会报证书错误。在某些场景,例如测试时,又不能选择忽略证书。此时需要将自签名证书导入证书库。

    2018/07/11 Java

  7. GRE Words

    读书笔记: 17天搞定GRE单词 - 杨鹏

    2018/02/23 other

  8. SecureCRT

    如果你是使用 SecureCRT 登录到远程机器上,你可能会遇到使用 vim 等编辑器编辑文件后,文件内容依旧保留在屏幕上没有被清除的问题。

    2018/02/03 Linux

  9. PYPI

    The Python Package Index is the official third-party software repository for Python. Some package managers, including pip, use PyPI as the default source for packages and their dependencies. 1 Twine is a utility for publishing Python packages on PyPI. It provides build system independent uploads of source and binary distribution artifacts for both new and existing projects. 2

    2017/10/25 Python

  10. Machine Learning, Andrew Ng
