注: 这一步在horizon上亦可完成
# nova help image-create
usage: nova image-create [--poll] <server> <name>
Create a new image by taking a snapshot of a running server.
Positional arguments:
<server> Name or ID of server.
<name> Name of snapshot.
Optional arguments:
--poll Blocks while instance snapshots so progress can be reported.
# glance image-list --all-tenants
注1: nova快照后的镜像无法在horizon上查询到, 控制台下glance image-list也无法查看到, 是因为创建时, 镜像的is_public属性为False. 你可以在后台使用glance image-update {image_id} –is-public True来使其公有化.
注2: libvirt1.1.1存在bug, 无法为运行中的虚拟机创建快照(运行创建命令后,glance会再将其删除), 详见, libvirt 1.2.0已修复
# glance help image-download
usage: glance image-download [--file <FILE>] [--progress] <IMAGE>
Download a specific image.
Positional arguments:
<IMAGE> Name or ID of image to download.
Optional arguments:
--file <FILE> Local file to save downloaded image data to. If this is not
specified the image data will be written to stdout.
--progress Show download progress bar.
测试环境: openstack 2013.2.3 on ubuntu 12.04
# nova boot --flavor 1 --image cirros0.3.1 --nic net-id=0733ad66-6fa2-4770-8fe5-904313a2644d running-without-volume
# nova image-create running-without-volume running-without-volume-snapshot
# glance image-list --all-tenants --name running-without-volume-snapshot
| ID | Name | Disk Format | Container Format | Size | Status |
| 02123dd0-8706-4216-92d1-0d4d240b7a71 | running-without-volume-snapshot | qcow2 | bare | 19070976 | active |
# glance image-download 02123dd0-8706-4216-92d1-0d4d240b7a71 --file ./export.img
# file export.img
export.img: QEMU QCOW Image (v2), 1073741824 bytes
挂载卷并不会在快照时一同被快照, 你需要单独使用nova volume-snapshot-create来创建卷的快照
# cinder create 1 --display-name tiny-volume
# cinder list --all-tenants --display-name tiny-volume
| ID | Status | Display Name | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |
| 77250513-09b4-406f-8bea-c27892febcbf | available | tiny-volume | 1 | None | false | |
# nova volume-attach running-with-volume 77250513-09b4-406f-8bea-c27892febcbf auto
| Property | Value |
| device | /dev/vdb |
| serverId | 65b76c96-0f7d-46ac-9403-91bddda968e5 |
| id | 77250513-09b4-406f-8bea-c27892febcbf |
| volumeId | 77250513-09b4-406f-8bea-c27892febcbf |
# nova image-create running-with-volume running-with-volume-snapshot
# glance image-list --all-tenants --name running-with-volume-snapshot
| ID | Name | Disk Format | Container Format | Size | Status |
| 57409fef-4e12-4a7d-b062-3d73f05696d2 | running-with-volume-snapshot | qcow2 | bare | 19595264 | active |
# cinder list --all-tenants
| ID | Status | Display Name | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |
| 77250513-09b4-406f-8bea-c27892febcbf | in-use | tiny-volume | 1 | None | false | 65b76c96-0f7d-46ac-9403-91bddda968e5 |
# glance image-download 57409fef-4e12-4a7d-b062-3d73f05696d2 --file ./export.img
# file export.img
export.img: QEMU QCOW Image (v2), 1073741824 bytes
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