Ceilometer Havana Problems

2014/03/14 openstack

This post records some entries for Ceilometer Havana problems and bugs. They mostly are on SLES 11 SP3 and Ubuntu 12.04.

Ceilometer fail when boot

On SLES 11 SP3, Ceilometer 2013.2.2 will fail when boot because mongodb is not avaiable, the ceilometer-api service will die and ceilometer-collector will be dead walking. The service init script for the two service are already specify mongodb as Should-Start, but it seems that is not working, I don’t know why.

There is a workaround which adds sleep 5 statement before /sbin/startproc -s -u $USER -t ${STARTUP_TIMEOUT:-5} -q /usr/bin/ceilometer-$DAEMON –config-file=$CONFFILE –logfile=$LOGFILE both in /etc/init.d/openstack-ceilometer-api and /etc/init.d/openstack-ceilometer-collector, this is intent to delay service start to wait mongodb available.

Ceilometer 2013.2.3 on SLES 11 sp3 seems already fix this problem but I don’t know how.

agent-central fail when keystone is not available

ceilometer-agent-central uses oslo.loopingcall, which will catch Exception raiseed by registed interval task and stop calling it. There is a chance when ceilometer-agent-central do its periodical task while keystone service is not available, then the ceilometer.central.manager.AgentManager.interval_task will fail to create keystoneclient object, which will raise an exception to upper caller. In such scenario, the periodical poll task will be stopped, while the ceilometer-agent-central process is still running.

The workaround (actually it is a bug fix) is simple: catch that exception (or Exception) and just return directly, which means skip this particular period of poll task.

ceilometer resource-list fail when samples too lot

The ceilometer 2013.2.2 will do a mongo aggregate for resource, When there is a huge amount of samples, it will extremly slow and use a lot of memory. It has been changed to map-reduce recently, both in master and havana branch, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+bug/1262571. But if you meet such problem: failed: exception: Sort exceeded memory limit of 104857600 bytes, but did not opt-in to external sorting. Aborting operation, then maybe it hit this problem.

The mongodb has a limitation for aggregation, which is 10% physical memory in mongo 2.4 and 100MB memory in mongo 2.5, see http://docs.mongodb.org/master//reference/limits/#Aggregation%20Pipeline%20Operation. The official manual says this limitation can be avoided by set allowDiskUsage to true, but I cannot verify that since I’m using version 2.4.6.

alarm-notifier and alarm-evaluator kill each other

Ceilometer 2013.2.2 on SLES 11 SP3, ceilometer-alarm-notifier and ceilometer-alarm-evaluator cannot be running in the same time, if you’re using the service {start,stop,restart} command. That it is because the service init script uses {start,kill,check}proc command, which identify the service by their process basename, that should be fine, but in Linux process system, the process name will be truncated to 16 characters, so ceilometer-alarm-{evaluator,notifier} will be treated as same process, so does ceilometer-agent-{central,compute}!

Ceilometer 2013.2.3 on SLES 11 sp3 has fixed this problem by add –pidfile option to {start,kill,check}proc command, you can learn example from it if you’re not willing to update your system. Note, the pidfile should be under /var/run/, which means hold by root user.

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