Quantum Task Flow

2013/03/21 openstack

License: (CC 3.0) BY-NC-SA

  1. tenant creates a network
  2. tenant associates a subnet with a network
  3. tenant boots a instance and specifies a nic connects to a network
  4. nova contact quantum and create a port on that network
  5. quantum assigns an ip address to that port
  6. tenant deletes the instance
  7. nova contact quantum and delete the port

quantum net-create


  1. shell.QuantumShell().run(argv)
  2. quantum.v2_0.network.CreateNetwork
  3. CreateNetwork.run(args), get_data() need client_manager.quantum # cliff
  4. common.clientmanager.ClientManager.quantum it a callable point to make_client
  5. quantum.client.make_client(ClinetManager()) generate quantum_client
  6. v2_0.client.Client.create_network(body) -> post(networks_path, body)


  1. serve_wsgi(QuantumApiService)
  2. QuantumApiService.create().start()
  3. app = load_paste_app(‘quantum’)
  4. wsgi.Server(“Quantum”).start(app, port, host) use eventlet.GreenPool to spawn thread
  5. since network is standard api, the post(networks_path, body) will be processed by quantum.api.v2.router:APIRouter.factory, the controller is api.v2.base.Controller
  6. openstack.common.notifier.api.notify(…‘network’,’network.net.create.start’,…body)
  7. plugin.create_network(ctxt,body…)
  8. plugin is specified in quantum.conf option core_plugin = quantum.plugins.openvswitch.ovs_quantum_plugin.OVSQuantumPluginV2
  9. openstack.common.notifier.api.notify(…‘network’,’network.net.create.end’,…ret)


  1. _ensure_default_security_group(…)
  2. super().create_network(context, network)
  3. db.db_base_plugin_v2.QuantumDbPluginV2.create_network() init network info in context # TODO: context seems to be database session
  4. ovs_db_v2.add_network_binding(…)
  5. _process_l3_create(context, network, net)
  6. _extend_network_dict_provider(…), _extend_network_dict_l3(…)

quantum subnet-create

subnet is a standard resource, so the task flow is same. But OVSQuantumPluginV2 has no such method create_subnet(…), so the parent db.db_base_plugin_v2.QuantumDbPluginV2.create_subnet(…) does the job.

quantum router-create

The router is an extension, so extensions.l3 will handle the request, in fact, it plugin is just the core_plugin. QuantumDbPluginV2 -> db.l3_gwmode_db.L3_NAT_db_mixin -> db.l3_db.L3_NAT_db_mixin does the job and just update db

quantum router-interface-add


also the L3_NAT_db_mixin does the job, since port_id is not specified, it will check subnet duplicate and create_port(…), then it will sync router data and l3_rpc_agent_api.L3AgentNotify.routers_updated(…‘add_router_interface’…) and notifier router.interface.create to all network consumers


it will send a routers_updated notification with method add_router_interface to all agents manager this router, but the rpc.cast will drop the parameter data and operation which is add_router_interface, so this rpc.cast will lose port info


  1. routers_updated(…) will update specific routers with sync_sem
  2. _process_routers(routers) does the real job, for each router in routers, if router satisfy some conditions, it will be processed by process_router(ri), other routers will be removed
  3. process_router(ri) will remove old unused ports, for new ports, it will _set_subnet_info(p) and internal_network_added(…). if external gateway port is added to router, external_gateway_added(…) , perform_snat_action(…) and process_router_floating_ips(…), else if ex_gw_port is removed, external_gateway_removed(…). finally it update router’s route table via routes_updated(ri)

quantum router-gateway-set


  1. put /routers/id


  1. db.l3_db.L3_NAT_db_mixin.update_router(id, router)
  2. _update_router_gw_info(id, gw_info)
  3. _create_router_gw_port(router, net_id)
  4. send l3 agent notify router_updateded(…)


  1. routers_updated(…), same as router-interface-add


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