Add A Service To Linux

2013/02/28 Linux

License: (CC 3.0) BY-NC-SA

an amazing program

$ cat truth
#! /usr/bin/env python
while True:
    print "God's in his heaven. All' right with the world."
    print "-- Robeert Browning"

now, i want this program can be used everywhere

$ chmod u+x truth
$ sudo mv truth /usr/bin

does it work?

$ truth
God's in his heaven. All' right with the world.
-- Robeert Browning
God's in his heaven. All' right with the world.
-- Robeert Browning

the truth is going crazy and won’t stop, so press CTRL+C to stop it

a system service

now i want it to be a system service, but, firstly, what is a system service?

$ cat /etc/init.d/truth
# Provides:          truth
# Required-Start:    $local_fs $remote_fs
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:
# Short-Description: truth
# Description: a simple truth
set -e
case "$1" in
        echo "yeah, i'm alive!"
        echo "oh no! i don't want to die!"
        echo "Usage: truth {start|stop|restart}" >&2
        exit 1
exit 0

$ ls -l /etc/init.d/truth
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 226 Mar  1 19:31 /etc/init.d/truth

$ sudo service truth start
yeah, i'm alive!
$ sudo service truth stop
oh no! i don't want to die!

so i just create a simple bash script which accept some regular arguments for service. now i can use the truth just as a service.

but i don’t want the useless output, i want the TRUTH, so i change the /etc/init.d/truth, remove the echo statement and replace it by:

    truth > /tmp/truth &
    echo "oh no! i don't want to die!"

you know what would happen, so i just show you:

$ sudo service truth start

ah ha, it quiet, but i know there is a background thread which will silently eat my entire disk, so i check it

$ tail -f /tmp/truth
God's in his heaven. All' right with the world.
-- Robeert Browning
God's in his heaven. All' right with the world.
-- Robeert Browning

no, i want to stop it, so i press CTRL+C, but it doesn’t work, the print of tail -f dispeared but the thread is still there, and may be it can:

$ sudo service truth stop
oh no! i don't want to die!
$ tail -f /tmp/truth
God's in his heaven. All' right with the world.
-- Robeert Browning
God's in his heaven. All' right with the world.
-- Robeert Browning

shit! so i must kill it by

$ ps aux | grep truth
$ sudo kill 1219

how can i stop it by sudo service truth stop? oh, i’m so tired, may be next time i will tell you


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