
2013/02/22 Linux

# License: (CC 3.0) BY-NC-SA

puppet node

reference: node definition

from the reference, i know how to use regular expression to indicate nodes

node /^(foo|bar)\.example\.com$/ {
  include common

puppet scope

reference: scope

from the reference, i konw how to use scope

$var = "from topscope"
node default {
  $var = "from node"
  include lookup_example

class lookup_example {
  notify { $var: }   # will be "from node"
  notify { $::var: } # will be "from topscope"

Puppet Require

I want to require a package on another class

class foo {
    package { "bar": ensure => installed, }
class fooo {
    package { "barr":
        ensure => installed,
        require => Package["bar"],

This does not work, and require => Class["foo"] does not too. However, add a include "foo" in fooo works.

how to use puppet tags

reference: wiki

reference: 2.7 doc

if i did not assgin a tag to an agent, the agent will search the master’s config for a node named hostname or ‘default’. but if you give a tag for the agent, then it will search all resources have the tags.

assgin a tag to agent

  1. your hostname is a tag too
  2. add tags when you run puppet agent

    $ puppetd –tags webserver,ftpserver

  3. add tags option in puppet.conf

    # cat /etc/puppet/puppet.conf tags = webserver, ftpserver

add a tag to resource

  1. tag => webserver
  2. for class, add tag(“webserver”)
  3. in fact, all node, class and define has a automatical generated tag, it’s their name exactly

how to use puppet kick

see the puppet kick --help first, the USAGE NOTES says:

Puppet kick is useless unless puppet agent is listening for incoming
connections and allowing access to the `run` endpoint. This entails
starting the agent with `listen = true` in its puppet.conf file, and
allowing access to the `/run` path in its auth.conf file; see
`http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/rest_auth_conf.html` for more

Additionally, due to a known bug, you must make sure a
namespaceauth.conf file exists in puppet agent's $confdir. This file
will not be consulted, and may be left empty.

NOTE: all the following steps must run by root or sudo

step 1

to enable listen conf, add the following line in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf in your puppet slave


or you can run command by:

# augtool << EOF
set /files/etc/puppet/puppet.conf/agent/listen true

step 2

to allow access to the /run path, you should edit /etc/puppet/auth.conf in your puppet slave

path /run
auth any
method save
allow master.puppet.com

# this one is not stricly necessary, but it has the merit
# to show the default policy which is deny everything else
path /
auth any

note puppet-master.puppet.com must be add in the /etc/hosts entry

step 3

add a empty file on your puppet slave

# touch /etc/puppet/namespaceauth.conf

step 4

to test the puppet kick, on puppet slave node, run puppet agent --debug --verbose --no-daemonize, on puppet master node, run puppet kick --foreground --debug --host slave.puppet.com. plz not that you should add entry on your /etc/hosts of slave.puppet.com

NOTE: 1) The –tag option is a decorader to object, you can not just specify tag without host class.

NOTE: 2) That puppet listen on 8139, please let firewall allow that port.

ldap <=== this section is not completed

reference: ldap nodes

reference: openldap quick guide

step 1

Install ldap server

# apt-get install slapd ldap-utils
# wget https://raw.github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/master/ext/ldap/puppet.schema
# cp puppet.schema /etc/ldap/schema/

Add a include puppet.schema line in /usr/share/slapd/slapd.conf

include         /etc/ldap/schema/core.schema
include         /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.schema
include         /etc/ldap/schema/nis.schema
include         /etc/ldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include         /etc/ldap/schema/puppet.schema

The reference tells me to restart the server, i did it, but i don’t know if it is necessary. Maybe you can try this:

# sudo /etc/init.d/ldap start

Add a default node in your LDAP

# cat test.ldif
dn: cn=default,dc=orgName,dc=com
objectClass: device
objectClass: puppetClient
objectClass: top
cn: default
# ldapadd -x -f test.ldif

The last command seems failed because of “ldap_add: Invalid syntax (21)”

step 2

Install ldap ruby binding for puppet master

# apt-get install ruby-ldap

Check it

# ruby -rldap -e 'puts :installed'
# ruby -rpuppet -e 'p Puppet.features.ldap?'

Edit /etc/puppet/puppet.conf

node_terminus = ldap
ldapserver = ldapserver.yourdomain.com
ldapbase = dc=puppet

Add a empty default node in your site.pp

node default {}

Common Issues


warning: Certificate validation failed; consider using the certname configuration option
err: Could not retrieve catalog: Certificates were not trusted: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed

Add certname on puppet.conf, cert server domain is pointed to master.puppet.com or you can use master.puppet.com directly.



NOTE: puppetca clean --all and remove /var/lib/puppet/ssl will not work


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