Small Cipher File Storage Management in Storage Cloud Environment

2012/07/23 openstack

License: (CC 3.0) BY-NC-SA


current research

small file storage management

small file leading problem

  1. document meta-data is stored in ram, couldn’t support processing of huge amount of small file fix: document archive & doecument merge

  2. low io output fix: cache

  3. low web bandwidth usage fix: request merge & request transmit delay

key tech for private cloud storage

layer and struct of private cloud storage

target of cloud storage

  1. large-scale document storage, and easy for liner expandtion
  2. realtime or nearly realtime access, bash support
  3. reliability, can handle single point or idc fault
  4. local file system like ui
  5. low cost, easy to maintain

four layers of cloud storage

  1. storage layer
  2. basic management layer
  3. application interface layer. include two type: web based REST protocal implementation, include web2.0 and dos like interface; specific open platform based api
  4. access layer

small cipher file storage management in private cloud

document-orented storage management basic principle for NoSQL feature

CAP theory

you can only satisfy 2 of 3 requirement in distribute computing for Consistency, Availability and tolerance of network Partition

BASE model

BASE model sacrifice consistency to get availability Basically Available, support partion failure Soft state, state can have asynchronization some time Eventually consistent, the final data should be consistent


dev platform

hadoop hdfs

it is suitable for large file, data stream, bash, not very satisfy small file storage

couchdb & mogondb

both are doc-oriented dbms, couchdb provide JSON data struct for REST interface to handle data process, mogondb store files as key-value pair.


REST (Representation State Transfer) is a group of constraint condition and principle, all program or design satisfy these condition and principle are RESTful. it use basic standard HTTP method.


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